Urban Land Ceiling Clearance
Department of Urban Development & Municipal Affairs, Govt. of West Bengal
Contact Us
Urban Land Ceiling Clearence Online Application
ULC Area :
--Select Urban / Rural Area--
Urban Area
Rural Area
Competent Authority :
Choose Competent Authority
Alipore Competent Authority (ALIP)
Alipore Competent Authority other than KMC (ALIP)
Asansol Competent Authority (ASAN)
Barasat Competent Authority (BRST)
Barrackpore Competent Authority (BRKP)
Chandernagore Competent Authority (CHDN)
Durgapur Competent Authority (DUGP)
Hooghly Sadar Competent Authority (HGLY)
Howrah Sadar Competent Authority (HWH)
Kalyani Competent Authority (KALY)
Kolkata Competent Authority (KOL)
Serampore Competent Authority (SERM)
Uluberia Competent Authority (ULUB)
*N.B : Please note that, after successful submission of application if mail not recieved from ULC Authority for activation of application or acknowledgement then please contact to Technical HelpDesk(Mail : helpdesk.ulcudma@gmail.com). Please do not apply twicely if mail not received without contact with Helpdesk Technical Person